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Accelerate the Production of Section 508 Compliant eLearning at Scale Through Content Sharing (Syndication)

Leverage hundreds of high-impact and accessible elearning courses from other federal agencies and departments. Spend less time on elearning course development by customizing and personalizing existing content from other agencies. 

Building conformant, accessible elearning content takes time, but what if someone has already created the content and courseware you need in a format that is already Section 508 compliant?

Customizing and personalizing existing 508-compliant elearning content provides a huge opportunity for federal elearning authors to deliver greater productivity and tailored experiences to each of their learners.

The opportunities for elearning content reuse are enormous.

Across the US Government, all federal employees are required to complete many mandatory training courses such as Privacy, Records Management, Ethics Training (IET), No FEAR Act Training, Occupational Health and Safety, Safeguard Against Breach of Personally Identifiable Information (PII), Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), Role-Based Security Training (RBST) and more.

Many agencies develop custom courseware for these mandatory courses using proprietary elearning authoring tools. Because of their complexity, these tools hinder other agencies from reusing and customizing the same content

With CourseAvenue's content sharing and syndication features, sharing courseware is relatively straightforward, with simple-to-use functionality:

  • ...replace agency branding, colors, and logos

  • ...update the Welcome and Introduction page(s) with department information

  • ...swap out one case study for another

  • ...replace the contact information if people have questions

  • ...replace the “attached .pdf” with our document instead of yours

Introducing CourseAvenue’s enhanced Syndication Manager.

At CourseAvenue, we recognize that reinventing the wheel (recreating the same courseware for different departments) is not an efficient use of taxpayer dollars.

The enhanced Syndication Manager allows any author to save their content as a template others can use - making it easier for teams to rapidly create, personalize and customize Section 508-compliant elearning content quickly. 

With the Syndication Manager, authors can access a collection of pre-built, Section 508-compliant elearning content created by other Departments and Agencies.  

The pressing need for accessible elearning content

The most recent GSA report highlights a need for more Section 508 compliance in the federal government.  

“Overall compliance to Section 508 is well below expectations given the federal government has had over 20 years to implement programs capable of achieving and maintaining modern ICT standards. More than 75% of respondents are at or below average with respect to Section 508 compliance.” 

With CourseAvenue’s Syndication Manager, elearning teams can find accessible elearning courseware they need, copy, customize, and go live without getting stuck in typical design and development cycles that create workflow bottlenecks. 

Even better, if the content already exists as a CourseAvenue course and the original author is okay with sharing it, CourseAvenue does not charge extra for syndication!

CourseAvenue allows subject matter experts and elearning teams to scale accessible elearning content development efforts, making teams more effective.  

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