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Retrofitting eLearning Content for Accessibility is Inefficient and Inexpensive

CourseAvenue Solves This Problem

Ensuring that eLearning content is accessible to all learners is not just a legal requirement but also a moral imperative. Many organizations attempt to retrofit their existing eLearning content to meet accessibility standards, but this approach is often inefficient and fraught with challenges. CourseAvenue offers a more effective solution by enabling the creation of accessible eLearning content from the ground up.

How CourseAvenue Solves the “Accessibility Retrofitting” Problem

CourseAvenue offers a comprehensive solution that eliminates the need for retrofitting by enabling the creation of accessible eLearning content from the outset. Here’s how CourseAvenue addresses the challenges associated with retrofitting via:

  1. A different approach than any other eLearning creation product: Step 1 for building Section 508/WCAG 2.x conformant eLearning using typical authoring tools is for the “author” to first become an expert in accessibility.  Step 2 is to then apply your knowledge to how their tool works.  Make a mistake? Well that’s on you; you are not doing it right. CourseAvenue’s approach is to leave the accessibility technology to us and let our customers focus on the actual learning development.

  2. Built-in Accessibility: CourseAvenue includes built-in accessibility features that ensure compliance with Section 508 and WCAG standards right from the start. This means that content created using CourseAvenue is accessible by design, eliminating the need for retrofitting.

  3. User-Friendly Interface: The platform is designed for non-technical users, allowing SMEs to create accessible eLearning content without needing extensive technical knowledge. CourseAvenue’s intuitive interface simplifies the content creation process, making it easy for anyone to produce compliant content.

  4. Automated Auditing and Real-Time Feedback: CourseAvenue provides automated auditing and real-time feedback to quickly identify and rectify accessibility issues. This ensures that any potential compliance problems are addressed during the content creation process, rather than after the fact.

  5. Cost-Effective: By eliminating the need for retrofitting, CourseAvenue reduces the costs associated with ensuring accessibility compliance. Organizations can save money on hiring external experts and purchasing additional tools, while also reducing development timelines.

  6. Scalability: CourseAvenue is designed to handle eLearning projects of any scale, from small teams to large enterprises. This scalability ensures that organizations can grow their eLearning initiatives without being constrained by the limitations of retrofitting.

  7. Guaranteed outcome: CourseAvenue supports its claims by guaranteeing that courses produced with its product will be Section 508 compliant.  Should any course be “flagged” for non-compliance, the CourseAvenue accessibility experts will be right there with you to resolve the issue(s).

Real-World Success: The USDA Example

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is a prime example of how CourseAvenue can transform the eLearning content creation process. The USDA has used CourseAvenue to create over 1,000,000 pages of instructional content, most of which were developed by SMEs without the help of instructional designers. This success story highlights how CourseAvenue’s user-friendly design and powerful capabilities enable SMEs to produce extensive, high-quality, and accessible eLearning content efficiently.


Retrofitting eLearning content for accessibility is an inefficient and costly approach that can lead to inconsistent results. CourseAvenue offers a more effective solution by enabling the creation of accessible eLearning content from the ground up. With built-in accessibility features, a user-friendly interface, automated auditing, and cost-effective solutions, CourseAvenue ensures that organizations can produce high-quality, compliant training materials efficiently and cost-effectively. The success of organizations like the USDA demonstrates the transformative potential of CourseAvenue, making it the ideal choice for any organization looking to streamline their eLearning content creation process and ensure accessibility compliance from the start.

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